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With over 20 years of experience, our expertise allows us to deliver top performance across a wide range of specialised fields. Our in-house and external specialists ensure the accuracy of the translations and interpretations (insert link) we provide, particularly in the following areas:


In this specialization, infrastructure safety and distribution network efficiency are of paramount concern. Complex technical documents, such as engineering reports, operating manuals or international energy contracts, demand precision at all times.

Medical and pharmaceutical

Medical translation requires a high level of expertise, as it is aimed at experts in the field, not to mention life-or-death issues where every word counts. Product data sheets, analysis results, studies, procedures, clinical trials… We have the necessary and appropriate resources to handle them all.

Economics and finance

Reports, market studies and analyses need to be accurately translated so that economic players can make informed decisions. We juggle numbers and words with the same precision.

Balance sheets, financial reports, M&A contracts, feature articles, newsletters… We translate them for you, but also proofread numerous articles written directly in English, which is often chosen as the language of communication.

Engineering and construction

Technical translations require a high level of expertise from our translators, selected based on their experience in sectors such as the automobile industry, aviation, medical engineering, robotics, data centres, household appliances and so on. Translating industrial machine specifications, operating instructions and manuals holds no secrets for us, drawing on our databases of hundreds of thousands of terms, built up through experience and practical experience.

Plans, technical specifications and subcontracting agreements must be free from translation errors, as inaccuracies can compromise building safety or compliance with local standards. Specifications, technical sheets, product specifications… this is what we do best.

Advertising, communications and media

Advertising translation is not just about words, it’s about intent. Slogans and marketing campaigns need to be culturally adapted to be effective in each target market. Content needs to be translated clearly and impactfully, whether it’s for press conferences, speeches or publications, while respecting local nuances. The translation of a social media post, carefully revised before distribution, is a mark of professionalism on the part of the content creator – regardless of the platform or distribution channel.


Translation is essential for e-commerce websites, platforms offering international services, or any site targeting a multilingual audience. User interfaces (UI) must be adapted to the language of any visitor to ensure an optimal experience, which is very important from Google's point of view to achieve the highest possible ranking. A poor translation can lose a visitor, and therefore a potential sale. Our website translation solution is solution-oriented, precise and, of course, handled by our specialized team.

Translating permalinks and URLs to your pages is also a must for proper SEO. You could try to handle it yourself, but once you do, feel free to come back to us – we'll be happy to take this complex and time-consuming task off your hands.

Social, administrative and human resources

Looking for top-tier translation services for HR departments? This means providing precise translations of employment contracts, workplace regulations, internal policies, and performance reviews; all essential for harmonious social relations in multilingual and multicultural companies. Furthermore, labour laws must be understood consistently across all official languages.

Translation plays a key role in ensuring clear communication between social stakeholders, whether it concerns collective agreements, social reports or public policies.

The same applies to official forms, company correspondence and internal regulations, which require a certain degree of legal accuracy. For decades, we have worked with various public services (federal, municipal, etc.) as well as numerous private companies, and we have extensive expertise in this field.


Presentations, brochures, catalogues, product descriptions, ingredient regulations, instructions for use… some of the biggest names in cosmetics and perfumery regularly place their trust in us!

Culture, Art and Tourism

In the arts sector, literary works, scripts, and exhibition descriptions require a deep understanding of cultural nuances and emotional undertones to preserve the authenticity of the original message. The same level of care applies to tourism brochures, where we can allow for a bit more creative freedom. For our most literary translators, it’s always a delightful escapade.


Translations in this field cover technical texts such as impact studies, waste management regulations, and sustainability reports, topics that are more relevant than ever in today’s world.

European and international affairs

Whether dealing with legal documents, research reports, European-level agreements, trade agreements, diplomatic protocols or international treaties, these texts require highly standardised terminology and phrasing, which our handpicked translators master perfectly.


The legal sector demands accuracy at all times when translating contracts, laws and agreements. Don't leave yourself open to the slightest ambiguity that could lead to disputes or enforcement issues – entrust your documents to our professional, specialised legal translators.

Food Industry and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

In the food sector, translations range from recipe booklets to safety standards, product labels, and audit reports – a welcome change of pace for our translators!

In the FMCG sector, the translation of product labels, advertisements and user manuals must be flawless to ensure compliance with local regulations and consumer satisfaction.

… and numerous other fields, thanks to our teams of specialised translators and glossaries updated daily.

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